Knob- A Major Bluetooth Security Bug Discovered By The Researchers

Bluetooth Connectivity
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With the horde of tech innovations taking place, the risk of security breach has also taken a toll on the mobile computing arena. Various coding experts are involved in these kinds of unethical practices and they are intended to pick the data from your device with even seeking your permission. Various researchers are raising this kind of security issues along with their most possible solutions to treat the threats. However, it is the most known fact that there is no halt to see these security hacks and if not treated in a required time, these are also intended to drag you in the major risks.

Knob attack has come to increase the vulnerability of your data

This information is to acknowledge those users who use wide-ranging mobile devices including Apple, Samsung and others are under the knob attack. Knob, usually known as key negotiation of Bluetooth has been identified by the team of researchers and it is a critical security vulnerability of data and it is dragging most of the mobile users in incremented Bluetooth security risks. This vulnerability happens due to the flaws in the Bluetooth specification. Researchers have conducted these attacks within different sorts of unique Bluetooth chips and most of these chips were from the leading chip manufacturers including Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom, and Chicony.

In order to collect the data about this issue, we have also visited the official website of knob attack and found massive information about this vulnerability. The attack has also named as knob because it has a great effect on those devices having to speak Bluetooth. As per the expert firms like Intel, this newly found vulnerability happens during the Bluetooth pairing requests and during this time slot, a hacker can access these devices through the contiguous network once being in the 30 meters of proximity. Once the access has been granted, the hacker can further seize the traffic by sending forged pairing messages between both of these connected devices. Further, it is easy to steal all your data including contact information, email messages, private chats, bank, and other important details.

This vulnerability is possible between two Bluetooth pairing devices, however, the fixes have also been done for different kinds of Android and IOS versions. Though it is a major attack on the Bluetooth security system, hence, users should stay vigilant when using their mobile devices. This attack might impact most of those users using a different kind of android and IOS versions further they need to update their security patches if their device is not set to update by self. From a large list of mobile manufacturers, Microsoft devices were unaffected by this problem but other manufacturers have also fixed it at earliest to keep their users away from preying eyes. There are a variety of patches available to overcome these critical vulnerabilities. The researchers still warn if devices are not updated till late 2018 they might suspect the vulnerability. Hence, it is recommended to update all your mobile devices to keep your valuable data safe from those coming hazards.

Also read: October: The purpose of Cyber Security Awareness Month

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