If you are a dog lover then you must read this
Perhaps not every person is aware that similar to human owners, dogs too like talking. Nonetheless, unlike different body signals, barking could represent various things to various dogs. The volume or pitch of the dogs’ bark will augment with the level of emotion of a dog. Again, it can be that AI or artificial intelligence happens to be better at differentiating dogs bark compared to humans are. According to Hungarian researchers, 6000 barks from fourteen Hungarian sheepdogs using special software. According to their study, the computer program can identify what a dog was attempting to communicate 43% of the time in comparison to 40% of humans.
Perhaps not every person is aware that similar to human owners, dogs too like talking. Nonetheless, unlike different body signals, barking could represent various things to various dogs. The volume or pitch of the dogs’ bark will augment with the level of emotion of a dog. Again, it can be that AI or artificial intelligence happens to be better at differentiating dogs bark compared to humans are. According to Hungarian researchers, 6000 barks from fourteen Hungarian sheepdogs using special software. According to their study, the computer program can identify what a dog was attempting to communicate 43% of the time in comparison to 40% of humans.

A technology helps communication between people and dogs
The world is opening up to the dog-human communication and today, technology is permitting dogs to speak in a language that can be easily understood. Due to the progression of technology, the world has become a smaller place. Besides the advances made in technology, a team has been working day and night on technology and research for the dogs. In this fast-paced and modern world, this company intends to accomplish a dog-human communication where expertise would permit dogs to speak in manners that people would be able to understand in an improved way.
What technology has been used here?
In the Georgia Institute of Technology, the FIDO Project is presently doing its job on nose-activated vests plus touchscreens which can be easily used by dogs for summoning help meant for their handlers besides other things. The vest happens to be one of the highly emerging technologies which a few universities are developing. They would be able to alter the way in which working dogs and even pet dogs would be able to communicate with individuals all the time. According to FIDO Project Director, Melody Jackson, now, people can think of a technology where the dogs would be the sensors.
Jackson has got a doctorate in computer science and he is also been leading a team of scientists with the chief objective of allowing interactions for the working dogs. FIDO targets to permit handlers to understand that their dogs plus dogs to have communication with them. Currently, the Jackson Laboratory has been developing this technology.
What your dogs have to say to you?
According to Dr. Con Slobodchikoff, who is a professor at Northern Arizona University, the prairie dogs do make high-pitched calls for alerting the group to the predator’s presence. However, it has also been discovered that those calls do vary based on the kind of predator besides its size. The animals will be able to combine their calls in different ways besides using them for indicating the nearby human clothing’s calls. However, the discovery wasn’t confined to understanding prairie dogs alone as Slobodchikoff, discovered an algorithm that transformed the vocalizations into English.
In fact, in the last year only, he founded a company named Zoolingua. Its mission was developing an identical tool that transforms pet sounds besides body movements and facial expressions. Being capable of communicating with animals would certainly mean something more than forging closer emotional ties as it could also mean the eradication of the guesswork in being considerate for animals besides saving their lives.
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