With passing time, Uber has turned into a classic instance as it never fails to figure out the method of creating a clean and simple experience involving the driver and the customer. At a point, when both sides work in seamless harmony, then it does not turn out to be difficult to enjoy the experience. The fact that makes Uber accessible to nearly every person out there is it is obtainable in 600 cities that are spread all across 65 nations. Additionally, it boasts of having above 75 million users. This is the reason; it doesn’t come as a surprise that Uber has turned into a default transportation choice for numerous people out there.
The speed and scale of adoption of Uber are incredible and this company quotes its exclusive business model plus experience similar to the drivers. However, Uber confronts remarkable issues with customers and Uber marketing tactics are something that is well-known with people from all over the globe.

Uber uses the biggest pain point with the customers
Suppose you are out at a deadly hour of 2 am and that too shivering on a winter night and have been waiting for your Uber, or the situation might be that you are getting late for a vital meeting and then if you catch an Uber, then you will manage to be just on time. So, in these situations, your discernment regarding time gets seriously misrepresented. Here, your every second of yours counts and every second becomes a minute and similarly every minute becomes an hour. Not only this, but you will make use of this changed time for judging your complete customer experience. So, here, a psychological principle plays a huge role named “Peak-end Rule”.
What does the Peak-end Rule say?
According to Peak-end Rule, people judge their experiences grounded on the method they feel at its peak plus its end and not the average of each moment of the total experience. This experience remains the same whether it is good or not. When it is a brand, then it does mean that the customers will continue to remember their entire experience grounded on a couple of moments; the best or the worst part related to their experience. Wait times turn out to be dangerous for becoming a good experience and here, Uber uses its psychology for making perfect its customer experience. As the wait times turn into a chief part of excellent customer experience, so, Uber has spent many hours in addressing this pain point.

The three principles of Uber
Uber, in its research, has found out three chief principles in dealing with the method in which people observe their wait times, and they are namely Idleness Aversion, Goal Gradient Effect, and Operational Transparency.
- Idleness Aversion – According to current studies into happiness, customer experience, and psychology, it has been uncovered that a principle named “Idleness Aversion” is highly important. It states that individuals become happier when they become busier and it applies to those situations too when a person is compelled to become busy.

The method of applying Idleness Aversion
For making people busy, you must provide them with information about getting engaged with, and in this context, visuals, gamification, and animation are ideal. When you take the instance of Uber, you will find that it made use of animation for keeping people informed and entertained when they are waiting for their ride.
- Operational Transparency – By operational transparency is meant the thoughtful presence of windows into the operations of your company. And so, customers become successful in seeing the efforts that are going on into their experience. Based on research it has been discovered that operational transparency results in customers valuing their items more highly besides making people happier.
The method of applying operational transparency
For making people information, you must make vital information obtainable and help them in understanding where this information has come. When you take the instance of Uber Pool, then you will find that they propose information on the calculation of arrival times. It proposes customers with transparency though it does not overpower a non-technical audience with many details.

- The Goal Gradient Effect – This effect states that individuals become more motivated by knowing how much is left for reaching their target in place of how far they have traveled so far. This is why; people become closer to their reward and so, they haste up their behavior for getting their goals faster.

The method of applying the Goal gradient effect
You can treat the Goal Gradient Effect in the form of a virtual finish line as here, when the customers get closer to winning, then they become more encouraged. You will come across the Goal Gradient Effect in some UX components, such as profile completion and progress bars. Here, the users are stimulated for finishing a job when they achieve objectives. Uber does apply this principle by explaining what is occurring behind the scenes and the customers wait. They explain every step during the process; and so, they emerge as successful in making customers feel that they have been making non-stop progress towards their aim.
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The success of Uber from this experiment
It can be said without the least doubt that a huge portion of revenues of Uber comes when they optimize their experience through the use of Uber Science. At a time, when an experiment was done with Uber Pool which applied the three principles, like Idleness Aversion, the Goal Gradient Effect, and the Operational Transparency, then the results turned out to be pretty impressive. So, when you wish to apply these principles yourself to your brand, then it becomes important for you to have a testing mentality and it is pretty critical. Again, you should be more than willing and determined to examine the application of a similar principle in many ways prior to your finding out the finest solution for you. Additionally, you must keep this in mind that every little thing matters and every interaction with the company is a chance to develop or alienate customers.
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News source: uxdesign.cc